Arian Amani

Arian Amani

Data Scientist | Researcher

Wellcome Sanger Institute


Arian Amani is a data scientist/research collaborator at the Wellcome Sanger Institute. His research interests include Representation Learning, Drug Discovery, Neural Network Generalization, and Single-Cell Genomics. He is a student at the Sapienza University of Rome, and a research assistant at the Lotfollahi Group, working on applications of machine learning, in various areas of life sciences, most importantly single-cell genomics and drug discovery.

  • Deep Generative Models
  • Drug Discovery & Genomics
  • Single-Cell Genomics
  • Adversarial Robustness
  • BSc in Computer Science, 2020

    Amirkabir University of Technology

Work Experience

Wellcome Sanger Institute
Data Scientist
November 2022 – Present Hinxton, United Kingdom

Responsibilities include:

  • Research assistant at Dr. Mo Lotfollahi’s lab
  • Collaborated on several ML projects in Single-Cell Genomics and Drug Discovery mainly using PyTorch
  • Developed task-specific fine-tuning pipelines on generative and transformer models
  • Contributed to ongoing projects like CPA: Compositional Perturbation Autoencoder (GitHub)
Computer Vision Engineer
January 2022 – May 2022 Tehran, Iran

Responsibilities include:

  • Delivered >95% accuracy solutions for tasks with limited data (15 images per class)
  • Spearheaded development on 5 diverse projects meeting client requirements
  • Led individual projects, enhancing development pipelines

Teaching Experience

Teaching Assistant
Sharif University of Technology
September 2022 – August 2023 Tehran, Iran
  • Machine Learning for Bioinformatics (Graduate Course) | Spring 2023
    • Prepared teaching material on CNNs & AutoEncoders, designed assignments, and coordinated class contests.
  • Introduction to Machine Learning | Fall 2022
    • Designed and graded assignments for a class of 150 students, conducted a workshop on Variational AutoEncoders.
Teaching Assistant
Amirkabir University of Technology
September 2021 – March 2022 Tehran, Iran
  • Introduction to Image Processing and Neural Networks | Fall 2022
    • Conducted workshops and lectures on OpenCV and Deep Learning for a class of 80 students.
  • Advanced Programming with C++ | Spring 2022
    • Designed assignments and projects for a class of 90 students, evaluated student submissions.


Deep Learning Specialization
  • Neural Networks and Deep Learning
  • Improving Deep Neural Networks: Hyperparameter Tuning, Regularization and Optimization
  • Structuring Machine Learning Projects
  • Convolutional Neural Networks
  • Sequence Models
See certificate